I will be having a live ustream class this Saturday. The class will be free to everyone that attends. So, be sure to meet me this Saturday at 6pm Central time to create some fun filled flowers.
It will be my first so please bare with me.
I have been doing alot of praying as to how I can get my creativity out there and so in order to accommodate all those that can't afford to pay for the classes I will be teaching live at no cost to anyone. Things may be rough at first, but we will make it all work out.
See you Saturday, September 24th at 6pm Central Time. Here is my ustream login information: scrapnpretty_taina and look under flower spray. This will be my first time on ustream so please bare with me.
If you live near Hobby Lobby, Joann, & Michael's I will tell you before Saturday what you need. I will teach the basics so don't sweat it if you don't have everything during the class. I just want you to learn the techniques.
Also following Saturday, (October 1st at 6pm) I will do a ustream class of an album I will be making so check that out as well.
I am going to share with you what I have learned, so just bare with me.